Welcome Home

A Christ-Centered Church Growing Christ-Centered People

We stand by broken hearts.

Our Purpose as Fairhill Community Church of God is to worship God and love others (Matthew 22:37-39)
We are a refuge from the storms of life, a hospital for the hurting, and a place where anyone can come to grow in their relationship with the Lord.

Ladies, please plan to join us for this time of fellowship, good food and communion with God our Father!  
Cost:  $115.00 by 3/16
or $120.00 at the door
Place:  Camp Li-Wa
Call the church for more details
Family Camp will be here before we know it!
July 8th (Hot Dog Roast)
July 9th- 12th-Camp Meetings
July 13th Sunday Service
Palmer Church of God

We welcome all.

From Prayer group on Friday evenings to weekly meetups,  to Saturday morning coffee for men, we have  opportunities for people to gather together in community weekly, encouraging one another closer to a life devoted to Christ. 

Latest Sermon

We welcome you to listen to one of our services.  

Gathering Times

Sundays at 10 AM
Thursdays: Precept Bible Study 6:30 PM
Fridays:  Prayer Group 6:30 to 7:30 PM
Saturdays: Men's Group 8:30 AM

Welcome Home

Fairhill Community Church of God

Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.
 1 Thessalonians 5:11, NASB 1995

Our website is still in its building phase.  Thank you for your patience as we work through all of the areas of change.