Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We have missionaries around the world that we partner with through prayer and finances. Spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Highlighted Missionaries for March
Greg & Kori Strock
Josiah Venture
Greg and Kori and their three girls serve in the Czech Republic with Josiah Venture. Greg leads a team of missionaries providing mentoring and coaching for young leaders and connecting local Czech churches with the resources of Josiah Venture. Greg and Kori have a passion to see the bride of Christ in the Czech Republic be rotted in the word of God and making disciples.
You can find out more by visiting their web site at
Gregory Strock | Josiah Venture
You can find out more by visiting their web site at
Gregory Strock | Josiah Venture
Daniel & Christy Kihm
Daniel and Christy with their daughter serve through Global Strategy with Church of God Ministries. They are focused on training and supporting emerging leaders in Church of God congregations in Hungary, the Netherlands, Italy, and throughout Europe and the Middle East.
To learn more about this ministry visit them at
Daniel & Christy Kihm – Global Strategy (chogglobal.org)
To learn more about this ministry visit them at
Daniel & Christy Kihm – Global Strategy (chogglobal.org)